Friday, July 11, 2008

Canning Day

Well this morning started out with getting more green beans picked off the plants and canning. I have already canned 12 quarts, you can see 4 of them. I took a picture of my canning cabinet for future reference, so I can feel good about all the hard work of summer preserving.

Today is my toddlers official 2nd year of life.
We had pictures taken today of not only him
but of also of Soren for his 4th month of life. For each child I have taken professional pictures of each month for the first year and then they fall off the raidar. We will celebrate his birthday on Sunday with family.

I ventured across the street this morning to pick raspberries at
my mothers home, as she always has raspberries 2-3 weeks before me.
Yogart and berries, yummy.

My oregano is hanging to dry, but will take awhile I think this time.
I was reading though my herb treatment book last night and am constantly amazed by how many natural growing things one can use as a remedy for the common problem.

I have solved the birthday cake design problem, I will make a turtle cake. I figured since we had a painted back turtle as a garden pet for a few weeks that this would be perfect. I am so antsy to have winter parties because of the nasty weather, I have found it hard to get motivated with summer parties.

1 comment:

Kristin-Homemaker@Heart said...

re: if you look at my blog on the left, there is something called a feedjit {I think that's how it's spelled} It just lets me know who's viewing my blog. {I call it footprints}
If you want one, just click on mine, it'll show you how to do it!