Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Needed project turns to fun

After reviewing Sidney's school list, oh yes school list, it came to me. Sort through old crayons marking new bags full of crayons, rather than buying more and adding to the million of crayons already in our home. We sorted through tons and tons, keeping the nicer ones and then piling the paper off of the nubs so they have been recently called in the house. We then broke into smaller pieces placed by approximate color into tiny muffin pan holes and then melted in a 350 degree oven for 10 minutes or so, until melted. I then removed from oven, sat on the cook top until cool, then placed into freezer, this is a must to get the new crayons to "POP" out of the muffin pan. And there you have it, new crayons, perfect for the toddlers in your home. Seems to be we had a lot of blues, who knows.


Kristin-Homemaker@Heart said...

I messed up my blog and this is my new url
I used to be earthly jane.
*rolls eyes
take it from me, use a test blog to make massive changes.

Sabrina said...

Though I'm on vacation, just wanted to pop over to see what you were up to. I love your muffin tin crayons. We've tried the swirled colored ones, but I really like the idea of single colored crayons. You are so organized for attacking the school list now. I'm still in denial about fall.