Saturday, July 26, 2008

Baking the Day Away

Oh I am so in love with my new book, Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day. I tackled more of the bread shapes today, enjoying one for breakfast and the other with dinner.

New Tea Pot Asian Beef for Dinner
I made a new dish for dinner. I placed a 2.5 lb pot roast in the crockpot when I was making bread this morning and it cooked all day. At dinner time, I began creating a new dish.
Asian Beef
4 Romaine Hearts, chopped
1 scallion, tiny chops
1 Cup of chopped carrots
Small handful of sesemae seeds
2 cups of shredded and/or chopped beef
Dressing: 3/4 cup chicken broth, 2 T. Peanut Oil, 3 T. Red Wine Vinegar, 1 dash of Soy Sauce and Pepper to taste, if you like more spice, add 1 t of red pepper flakes. Poor dressing over salad and serve with bread.
So the photo of the new Tea Pot is important, because we recently bought one and the bottom cooking portion developed a pin like hole in it. I contacted the company Copco and they gladly replaced the tea pot. I will standby this company from now on, because they stood by their consumer.
I made strawberry jam for the first time and amazingly it turned out well. I hope to make more in the coming days.


Jeff Hertzberg said...

Hi Sabrina: I'm Jeff Hertzberg, one of the co-authors of "Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day." Thanks for your comments, they mean so much to us.

Come visit us at, where you can post questions into any "Comments" field, or into the "Bread Questions" gateway on the left side of the homepage.

Jeff Hertzberg

Kristin-Homemaker@Heart said...

I've been "lusting" after that book too!!!! I havne't bought it just yet.

I got the same thing on the refrigerator quiz as you!

asuchick72 said...

that looks so good!!! i think i have seen that book before... cant really remember though. good luck with your kids!